Techakids After School STEM Classes for 2019-2020
I hope everyone is having a great summer and now excited for a new school year! Feels like summer is moving faster this year. Maybe it’s...

Techakids 2019 Summer Camp Registration for Kids in Torrance,Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Hermosa Be
With a very cold and wet winter this year I'm ready for summer. But there's a little problem, Our kids need activities over the long...

Summer camp for kids in the South Bay Cities of Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach, Torranc
With summer break weeks away you're scrambling to find a safe, fun and enjoyable summer camp here in the South Bay. You need a program...

Techakids' Intern Norah Fong Realizes Childhood Dream at Carnegie Hall
We are so proud of our very own Techakids Intern Norah Fong for being featured at our local newspaper as she was invited to perform at...